For Individuals

We can help you exceed your own expectations of what is possible for you to achieve.


We are accredited to undertake a number of assessments to support your personal and professional development.

We offer a range of diagnostic tools which will help you understand yourself better and enable you to build on your strengths to reach your full potential.

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The GC Index® Profile

The GC Index® Profile has the potential to help you supercharge your career. It provides you with a framework and language to maximise your contribution and understand the contribution of others at work. The GC Index® gives you the insight needed to make your game-changing contribution to a team.

Watch this video about The GC Index®

Contact us if you wish to undertake this assessment
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Performance Leader Identifier (PLI) Assessment

The PLI tool assesses leadership behaviours across a full range of factors from emotional intelligence to strategic focus. Importantly, leadership factors such as influencing stakeholders, communicating a compelling vision, strategic thinking, resolving complexity, being decisive and taking calculated risks are also assessed by the model.

Download the PLI Sample Individual Report.

Contact us if you wish to undertake this assessment
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DISC Profile

DISC Profile is a personality assessment tool used to improve work productivity, teamwork, communication, management capability and leadership effectiveness. For individuals, DISC brings a level of self-awareness that can support your personal and career development.

Download the DISC Sample Report.

Contact us if you wish to undertake this assessment
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Sova Assessment (for individuals)

Sova assessment is a psychometric testing and personality profiling tool which is used in recruitment, professional development and coaching.​ ​It will increase your self-awareness and confidence by giving you valuable insights into your potential which you can use to focus on identified development areas and to achieve your career goals.

Sova Sample Trait Report
Sova Sample Career Report

Contact us if you wish to undertake this assessment
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The Young People Index® Profile

The Young People Index® Profile (GC Index® product) is a strengths-based online “organimetric” assessment tool that measures and describes five proclivities i.e. five different ways in which young people are inclined to make an impact and contribution to a team, organisation, project or role and thus boosts their confidence and self-awareness. It is aimed primarily at students in Years 9 to 13 but is also being used at colleges and universities. The Young People Index® questionnaire is followed by a report and a one-to-one coaching session by an expert, accredited GC Index® and Young People Index® professional. This can be done face-to-face or remotely via Zoom or Skype.


Contact us if you wish to undertake this assessment