For Organisations


We offer a range of diagnostic tools which will help you to understand your people and organisation better and enable you to enhance productivity, engagement and long-term success.

the impactometer for the GC Index

The GC Index® Profile

The GC Index® Profile - is a strengths-based online “organimetric” assessment tool that measures and describes five proclivities i.e. five different ways in which people are inclined to make an impact and contribution. It identifies how individuals can make the most valuable contribution to their organisations. This tool helps people lead with confidence and collaborate more effectively with their fellow leaders and colleagues. The GC Index® Profile aligns collective efforts, helps to accelerate performance and enhances collaboration and accountability. This assessment can be undertaken on an individual or group level.

Download the GC Index- Team Snapshot Example.

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The Change Maker Profile™

The Change Maker Profile™ (GC Index® product) is a game-changing tool that helps people maximise their contribution and impact during periods of change. It underpins successful organisational change initiatives, provides a basis for developing leaders and creating inclusive, balanced and impactful teams; recruitment insights and more. This assessment can be undertaken on an individual or group level.

Download the TCMP Sample Individual Report.

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Performance Leader Identifier (PLI) Assessment

The PLI tool assesses leadership behaviours across a full range of factors from emotional intelligence to strategic focus. Importantly, leadership factors such as influencing stakeholders, communicating a compelling vision, strategic thinking, resolving complexity, being decisive and taking calculated risks are also assessed by the model. This assessment can be undertaken on an individual or group level.

Download the PLI Sample Individual report.

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DISC Profile

DISC Profile is a personality assessment tool used to improve work productivity, teamwork, communication, management capability and leadership effectiveness. For individuals, DISC brings a level of self-awareness that can support personal and career development.

Download the DISC Sample Report.

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Psychometric testing and personality profiling

In partnership with Talentpraxis Group, we help our clients to assess their people, whether for recruitment, development, coaching or some other purpose, using the best assessments available.

In terms of bespoke assessment reporting, we offer:

Compatibility report – bespoke reporting based on the candidate’s completion of the Sova personality questionnaire. Interpreted reports are provided which focus on the 5 main strengths, 3 least preferred behaviours and a set of competency-based questions to be asked at the final interview.

Composite report – same content as the compatibility reports, but with the inclusion of potential derailment factors.

Insights report – same content as the composite report, but with the inclusion of ability testing (verbal, numerical, and logical to assess how quickly a person understands factual information, speed of decision making and execution).

Sova Sample Trait and Indicator Profile
Sova Sample 360 Report
Sova Sample Team Styles Report

Contact us for more information and for a quotation

An Even Better Place to Work (BP2W)

BP2W is a proven online, self-managed system which helps to measure productivity, engagement and wellbeing across your organisation.  This is a unique way for organisations to carry out an assessment of their workplace by looking at how employees’ needs are met in work. By measuring these “soft” issues, it provides leaders with hard metrics and, therefore, comparisons for improved performance, quarter-by-quarter, while teams and individuals can drive their own improvements.

L&M Plus Consulting is an approved Service Provider for BP2W

Please see the BP2W introductory video

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